Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I am God Strong

I was a wife for 7 months before Tyler left for boot camp. The day he left it finally felt real, I am a military wife. While Tyler was gone to boot camp I  had some hard days and I missed him a lot. But him being gone for 3 months really made me lean on God and my family. I could not have gotten through the boot camp phase if I had not read "God Strong: A Military Wife's Spiritual Survival Guide." Every time I picked up the book what I read was exactly what I needed at that moment. I learned that I could not do it alone, I needed God and he was right there waiting for me to realize it :) Reading the book empowered me so much! I worked so hard on my school work because I wanted to do well and I wanted Tyler to be proud of me and know that I was doing ok while he was gone. That term I earned the best grades I have ever gotten in college, EVER! I was able to pay the bills and I had never paid bills before. I had to quit my job so I could stay on top of my schooling and I was worried I would run out of money before Tyler came back. But I trusted God to provide and I don't know how he did but I was able to have money left over after the 3 months past. Which is really strange because when I laid it all out before Tyler left I should have been at zero. Its sad that it takes a huge life change for people to finally realize that God is all they need but I am so glad I chose him :) I am God Strong and proud of it.

Thank you Tasha Stresemann for sending me the book :)