My husband still wanted to own a bearded dragon and started to do a lot more research on what it takes to own and care for these exotic animals. After a few weeks of researching he found a breeder of bearded dragons. Before we had just bought the lizards from a big box pet store (not a very good idea). When you buy any exotic animal it is best to buy them straight from the breeder, you may pay more but you are paying for that persons knowledge of care. Many pet stores do not use the correct lighting or feed the baby lizards the correct food.
Here is where our story of Toothless number 3 gets exciting. The breeder we found lived in a different state, so how would toothless get to use? By mail of course! Toothless was a healthy 6 month old mix between a citrus and a red gala bearded dragon. He came over night in a small brown box with stamps all over saying there was a "Live Harmless Lizard, Keep Warm."
I was home that day while Tyler was at work. I left Toothless in the box partly because I wasn't sure how big he was going to be and I wanted Tyler to open the box since Toothless is his pet. When Tyler got home it was like Christmas opening the box and seeing what was inside.
Because bearded dragons a reptiles and cold blooded, he needed a source of heat. He was shipped inside a box in a clothe bag full of shredded paper, and had a few heat packets in side the box next to the bag. I wonder what people thought as they handled the package and realized that it was warm and had stamps saying there was a lizard inside. Are animals shipped in the mail very often?

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